Call for Papers

We invite submissions of original, unpublished research that is not currently under consideration elsewhere. Researchers and engineers are encouraged to submit their work, including research findings, product development, and innovative advancements, in the following areas (but not limited to):


Paper submission is through CMT paper management systems. If you already have CMT login; you can make use of that otherwise, you may need to create a login for CMT.

Manuscript Preparation

Authors can submit their manuscript properly formatted as pdf file.
Please find the template and author guidelines here. Use US Letter size in the case of MS Doc. For overleaf, the template is available at:

Page Length

Maximum manuscript length should be 6 pages. (Extra 1-2 page would cost significantly high amount). The paper must include an abstract of about 150 words and a maximum of five keywords. Review/Survey paper is normally discouraged to be submitted in the conference.

Review Process

Each submitted paper will go several stages of screening: similarity check, format check, scope and quality check. Papers which qualify for review would be sent to minimum 3- reviewers for their comments before TPC makes a decision on the paper. The review process is SINGLE BLIND. Authors of the accepted papers will be informed through email. All accepted and presented papers in the conference would be submitted to IEEE Xplore for possible publication. The previous editions of the papers are available in both Xplorer as well as Scopus.

Last Date: 15 Mar 2025
Notification: Within 3-4 Weeks
Camera Ready: One week from Acceptance

Early Bird Registration opportunity with minimum 20% discount in registration.